Games · Japanese Studies · LGBTQ+

Persona 4: Unqueering the Franchise Part 2

Please read Part 1 before reading this, it will make worlds more sense. Again, this bears repeating that this essay was written in 2016. In this portion of the essay, I got a bit more into talk about Japan and its history with LGBTQ+ and the relationship with the West. Game talk is a little… Continue reading Persona 4: Unqueering the Franchise Part 2

Games · Japanese Studies · LGBTQ+

Persona 4: Unqueering the Franchise Part 1

This essay was written in 2016 for a class on Asian Studies, in which I wanted to explore Western colonialism and its effects on modern media, and more specifically the gaming industry. Warning for Persona 4 game spoilers, mostly for social links and dungeons. ~ Lately, media has been a big topic of discussion. Most… Continue reading Persona 4: Unqueering the Franchise Part 1